“Creativity takes courage.” – Henri Matisse

This quote by French painter Henri Matisse is true on so many levels. A perfect example is the career of the great Orson Welles.

At only 25 years old Welles wrote, directed, and acted in “Citizen Kane”, considered by many the greatest movie of all time. Yet, his path was not an easy one; he faced many challenges and constantly fought for his artistic freedom and vision. When I worked with him in 1982, while recording “Battle Hymns”, I had no idea yet how much we had in common.

Working with Mr. Welles on the narrations of “Dark Avenger” and “Defender” was a great honor. You can hear all about it in the new episode of my podcast, “Words Of Power – With Joey DeMaio” – available on all major podcasting platforms.

#OrsonWelles #MANOWAR #WordsOfPower #podcast #creativity #courage

Photo taken from The Blood Of The Kings – Part I, the pictorial history of MANOWAR